USA Softball of Iowa Men's  16" Slow Pitch Hall Of Fame Induction Photos

August 5, 2017

Raccoon River Softball Complex - West Des Moines, IA

(click on thumbnail photo below for enlarged photo)


2017 16" Hall of Fame Inductees

L to R Danny Arenas (Cedar Rapids), Tony Coppola (Decorah), Joey Coppola III (accepting is father Chuck Copolla Sr.), Todd Bluml (Carroll), Bob Fasbender (HOF Chairperson)

2017 Inductee - Danny Arenas - Cedar Rapids

2017 Inductee Joey Coppola (accepting on his behalf - Chuck Copolla Sr.)

2017 Inductee - Todd Bluml

2017 Inductee - Tony Copolla - Decorah

Former HOF Inductees Present

Master of Ceremoines Bill Blanchard Inducts Tony Copolla